[section "[vset TPREFIX]Options"] The converter to PARAM markup recognizes the following configuration variables and changes its behaviour as they specify. [list_begin options] [opt_def -template string] The value of this configuration variable is a string into which to put the generated text and the other configuration settings. The various locations for user-data are expected to be specified with the placeholders listed below. The default value is "[const @code@]". [list_begin definitions] [def [const @user@]] To be replaced with the value of the configuration variable [option -user]. [def [const @format@]] To be replaced with the the constant [const PARAM]. [def [const @file@]] To be replaced with the value of the configuration variable [option -file]. [def [const @name@]] To be replaced with the value of the configuration variable [option -name]. [def [const @code@]] To be replaced with the generated text. [list_end] [opt_def -name string] The value of this configuration variable is the name of the grammar for which the conversion is run. The default value is [const a_pe_grammar]. [opt_def -user string] The value of this configuration variable is the name of the user for which the conversion is run. The default value is [const unknown]. [opt_def -file string] The value of this configuration variable is the name of the file or other entity from which the grammar came, for which the conversion is run. The default value is [const unknown]. [list_end]