[section EXAMPLES] [subsection "Where do I find [vset theformat] examples?"] We have no direct examples of documents written using [vset theformat] markup. However the doctools processor [syscmd dtplite] does generate a table of contents when processing a set of documents written in doctools markup. The intermediate file for it uses [vset theformat] markup and is not deleted when generation completes. Such files can therefore serve as examples. [para] [syscmd dtplite] is distributed as part of Tcllib, so to get it you need one of [list_begin enumerated] [enum] A snapshot of Tcllib. How to retrieve such a snapshot and the tools required for this are described at [uri {/wiki?name=Development+Snapshots} {Development Snapshots}] [enum] A Tcllib release archive. They are available at the [uri /home home] page. [list_end]