FunctionGraph -- A widget for drawing a function over a range of one variable.
The FunctionGraph class is like the ActiveGraph except that instead of plotting values versus time it plots them versus some specified range on the x-axis. Also, instead of plotting one value on each step (as you would with time), FunctionGraph does a complete sampling whenever the `graph' method is called. That is, it graphs f(x) = y for all x in [minX, maxX] where x = minX + n * stepS ize.
The user specifies stuff like minX, maxX, the number of steps between minX and maxX to sample at and a method selector that is a wrapper for the equation being graphed. The method selector must be in a particular format: (BOOL) f: (double *) x : (double *) y If the method returns FALSE then that x value is skipped, otherwise it is assummed that y = f(x) and that value is plotted.
Phase: Creating
setResetFrequency: (unsigned)
freq Set the frequency at which to clear the graph element.
setXMin: (double)
minx Max: (double)
maxx StepSize: (double)
size Set the range and step size of X values at which to compute values.
setXMin: (double)
minx Max: (double)
maxx Resolution: (unsigned)
steps Set the range and resolution of X values at which to compute values.
setArithmeticWarn: (BOOL)
state If true, raise a warning if the function method failed to compute a value.
setFunctionSelector: (SEL)
aSel Set the function method.
setDataFeed: feed Set the target to send the function method.
setElement: (id <GraphElement>)
graphElement Set the GraphElement to use for plotting.
Phase: Using
- (void)
graph Draw the graph with the current contents of the graph element.